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Nettra Media: Behind the Scenes

We wanted to offer a glimpse 'behind the curtain' to show you where we work, some of our inspiration (and weirdness), and if that doesn't scare you away, we also reveal a secret room in our office!

Video Transcription

Dave Martin (00:12):

Hey, welcome to Nettra. My name's Dave. I'm the Director of Growth, and businesses typically hire Nettra when they want more clients. They want more brand awareness, or if they're looking just for overall strategy on how to position themselves to, I guess you could say future-proof their business. We're not here just to produce fluff. The purpose of these videos is to give you actionable insights that you could implement today to see a difference in your business, and also to give you a little bit of glimpse behind the curtain that we're normal people too.


Would you guys like a tour of our office? Yeah? All right. Well, why don't you follow me? This right here is our illustrious hallway, and we made it really long to just build up the dramaticness, which I just made that word up, of what you're about to encounter over here.


This right here is the open floor concept. We have offices that we work out of. But at the same time, we have a little comfortable space here if we want to kick our feet up and just work on a laptop, which we actually do quite a bit. I want to point out this mural right here. We wanted something that kind of said, "We're proud of being in Fresno." Because there's so much negative press about Fresno. So what we wanted to do was start with, that's Half Dome in Yosemite, and how it gives way to downtown, which is unfinished. And then of course gives way to the black. Which, what is our future going to be? And so, well, actually, the real story is we need to hire a muralist to paint that part. So anyway, that's what I'm sticking with.


As you could tell, we are big French Bulldog fans and Boston Terrier fans. I actually have a mixed French Bulldog, Boston Terrier, and this is something we had to do to immortalize my dog. Come on in here. So this is where we spend a lot of our time. This is our conference room. And what marketing agency is not complete without a ping pong table for a conference table? Sad to say we don't play as much ping pong as I'd like, but it's there if we want to play ping pong. We painted five coats, or I say we, actually I, painted five coats of whiteboard paint on this thing. And so as you see, we use this quite a bit. And so this is where a lot of the strategy comes out that we actually implement.


Why don't you follow me over here? Now I'm going to show you our marketing manager and see if he's... Oh, he's... Sh. He's a little bit busy. Let's see him. Oh, here he is right here. There's Shawn working away on something analytics based or something. All right, so let's keep going here. We took a vote on what we should do here, and it was an overwhelming majority of Rick and Morty, and I'd never even heard of Rick and Morty when this was painted on. And so of course, since I've watched it and now I'm a big fan and looking forward to season four. I mean, shoot. I wanted to make this evergreen, but now I said season four, so scratch that. I'm looking forward to season eight coming out here in 2023. So Arturo wouldn't be complete without me showing you a very special room here at Nettra Media. And this room right here is where we put any employee that does something just boneheaded and almost costs us a client.

Speaker 2 (04:12):

Do we have any water?

Dave Martin (04:14):

I already gave you water. Is it gone already?

Speaker 2 (04:18):

It's all right. I deserve it.

Dave Martin (04:18):

So that pretty much-

Speaker 2 (04:18):

I'm really sorry.

Dave Martin (04:19):

It doesn't cut it. That pretty much concludes our tour here at Nettra Media. Thanks for coming.

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