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6 Tactics to Get More Email Subscribers With Content Upgrades

If you're looking for ways to increase your email subscriber list, then you've come to the right place. Content upgrades are a great way to boost your engagement and turn casual readers into loyal subscribers. In this blog post, we'll cover six tactics that will help you get more email subscribers with content upgrades. Read on to learn how content upgrades can help you with lead generation and build a larger email list.

What are content upgrades?

Content upgrades are extras added to a blog post or content piece that provide additional value to the reader. These can be a lead magnet such as an ebook, PDF, checklist, video tutorial, or other item related to the blog post topic. They are exclusive information that readers can only access if they subscribe to your email list. This helps you increase your email subscriptions and the size of your email list and generate more leads.

The benefits of content upgrades

Content upgrades give readers something exclusive that adds value to the blog post and it encourages them to sign up for your email list. Content upgrades are also an effective way to segment your email list. You can use them to create targeted campaigns and send content that’s relevant to specific segments of your readership. This helps you build relationships with your subscribers, which in turn increases the likelihood of them becoming paying customers.

Now let's look at six tactics you can use to get more subscribers with content upgrades.

  1. Create bonus content that keeps customers engaged

You know that creating bonus content is a great way to keep customers engaged and ensure they’re getting the most out of their experience. But how do you go about creating this extra content? Let’s take a look at some of the best practices for creating bonus content that will keep customers coming back for more.

Make it relevant

Creating relevant bonus content means ensuring that the information you’re providing is useful for your customers. Think about what topics would make sense for the demographic of people that are engaging with your business. For example, if you offer banking products, you could create bonus content related to personal finance, budgeting, and saving. The key is to ensure that you’re providing information that adds value to their life.

Make it accessible

Your extra content should also be easily accessible so that customers can find it quickly and easily. Consider using an online platform such as a blog, website, or Facebook page where customers can find all of your extra material in one place. This will make it easier for them to access the information whenever they need it without having to search through multiple sources.

Make it interactive

Finally, don’t forget about interactivity! Adding interactive elements to your bonus content can help keep things engaging and encourage customers to come back for more. For example, you could create quizzes or polls related to business topics, or even host live Q&A sessions. These types of activities will help bring your extra content alive and give your customers something new and exciting each time they visit your page!  

  1. Funnel traffic to your most successful web pages

Funneling web traffic to your most successful pages becomes more important the higher your website is in the search engines.

It’s essential for keeping visitors engaged and hopefully converting them into paying customers. Let’s take a look at what funneling web traffic means and how it can help increase your conversions.

What Is funneling?

Funneling is the process of directing users from one page on your website to another based on their interests or behaviors. This process helps guide users through your website in a way that’s more organized and efficient, leading them directly toward pages, including landing pages, that are more likely to convert them into customers.

Why funnel traffic?

The main reason why funneling web traffic is important is that it helps ensure that visitors are seeing the most relevant content for their needs. For example, if someone comes to your site looking for information about a specific product, you want to make sure they end up on the landing page for the product instead of getting lost in the middle of an unrelated blog post.

How do you create an effective funnel?

Creating an effective funnel requires careful planning and analysis of user behaviors and trends. You need to identify which web pages are most successful at converting users into customers, as well as which pages tend to cause visitors to leave without completing any actions. Once you have this data, you can create funnels that direct visitors to those high-converting pages while avoiding any pages that may lead them away from conversion goals.

Exit intent popups

Exit intent popups are a great way to capture those visitors who may be leaving your site without subscribing or buying. These pop-ups appear when the user is about to click away from your page, offering them an incentive in exchange for their contact information. This can be a great way to capture more email subscribers and keep customers engaged with your content.

  1. Increase engagement with content upgrades for popular posts

To make a content upgrade effective, the material must be valuable and unique enough for readers to give up their contact information in exchange for it. The material should also be relevant to the blog post itself and help readers further dive into the topic at hand.

How can you incorporate content upgrades into your strategy?

The first step is to identify which blog posts are already popular on your website. Look at page views and social media shares on your social media platforms, which will tell you which posts are already resonating with your audience. Next, create a complementary piece of content that would appeal to those same audiences and add it as an upgrade option at the end of the post or through a sign-up form elsewhere on the page. This could be anything from a cheat sheet or tutorial video related to what was discussed in the post. Once you’ve created the content upgrade, make sure it’s visible and easily accessible to readers, and make it as easy as possible for them to access the material and sign up for your email list.

  1. How to Use after-post and in-line opt-in forms

When it comes to growing your email list, one of the most effective tactics is to implement an after-post or in-line signup form. Here’s why after-post and in-line opt-in forms are so effective, and how you can use them to increase your conversion rate.

What is an after-post opt-in form?

An after-post opt-in form is a subscription form that appears at the end of each blog post on your website. This type of opt-in form gives visitors who have read all or part of your content the chance to sign up for your list where you can start a personal and meaningful conversation with them.

What is an in-line opt-in form?

In-line opt-in forms are similar to after-post opt-ins, but instead of appearing at the end of a blog post, they appear within the body text itself. These are particularly useful when you want to capture leads from visitors who haven’t finished reading the entire blog post yet but still want more information from you.

Why you should use after-post and in-line opt-in forms

After-post and in-line opt-in forms can be very effective in converting readers into leads because they provide an easy way for visitors who are already interested in what you have written about on your website to become subscribers without having to search for the subscription page. Additionally, these types of forms are unobtrusive. They don’t disrupt a reader's flow while reading so it allows readers plenty of control over whether or not they sign up for your list.

  1. Add a campaign link to your social media bio

Have you ever wanted to add a link to a campaign in your social media bio? Doing so can help you direct more people to your campaigns and grow your business. Let's walk through the steps of adding a campaign link to your social media bio.

Create the campaign

The first step is to create the campaign that you want to include in your social media bio. This could be anything from an online contest or giveaway, to an informational article series or product launch. Whatever type of campaign you’re running, it’s important that it’s well-crafted and engaging. Make sure that you have all of the necessary materials prepared before linking to them in your social media bio.

Link it

Once you’ve chosen your platform and created the content for your campaign, it's time to add the link! Depending on which platform you're using, there are different ways of adding your link; however, all platforms generally have a field where users can input their website URL or other links they'd like associated with their profile. For example, in Twitter's "Bio" section users can input their website URL (or any other URL) into the "Website" field and it will appear as a clickable link at the bottom of their profile page.

  1. Host an online webinar

Hosting a webinar can be a great way to reach out to potential customers, build relationships with existing customers, and share valuable information. Here’s how you can plan, promote, and host an amazing online webinar.

Planning your webinar

You want to make sure that the topic is relevant and interesting for your audience. Brainstorm potential topics, create an outline of what you want to cover, and decide on the length of the presentation. Think about any visuals you might need for the presentation such as slides or videos. You also want to decide on a date and time for the event and make sure that it’s convenient for both yourself and your target audience.

Promoting your webinar

Once you’ve planned the event, it’s time to start promoting it. The key here is to get people excited about attending! Create social media posts that highlight the content of your webinar, send out emails encouraging people to register, guest post on related blogs or websites, and even produce short videos or podcasts discussing some key points from the presentation. Make sure that you include a link where attendees can easily register for free or pay if there is a cost associated with attending (if applicable).

Hosting your webinar

When it comes time to actually host your webinar, make sure that you have all the necessary equipment set up properly such as microphones, cameras, etc. Also, check that there are no technical issues before getting started. You don’t want any unwelcome surprises during the event! During the presentation itself, be engaging by asking questions of attendees or encouraging interaction in other ways such as polls or live chats, this will help keep them engaged throughout the course of your presentation. Make sure to leave plenty of time at the end for Q&A so that attendees can ask any lingering questions they may have about what was discussed during the event.  


Content upgrades are an effective way to grow your email list and engage website visitors. By encouraging visitors to sign up for content upgrades, inviting them to join your email list, and providing valuable content, you can effectively increase the number of email subscribers you have.

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